By: Victorea Luminary
Certified Eden Energy Medicine, Certified EFT and Shamanic Healing Practitioner
Money and finances are often a cause for stress and anxiety. Many of us living in the U.S. feel concerned about job security and how they will pay their bills or whether they will have enough money to retire. All of these concerns bring up a myriad of emotions such as anger, sadness, frustration, and grief to name just a few.
Emotional Freedom Technique (a.k.a. EFT or Meridian Tapping Techniques/ MTT) can be very helpful in
reducing financial stress. Using EFT, clients have successfully released fears, anxieties, limiting beliefs and debilitating emotions and have found peace within despite what was happening in their external world. EFT/MTT is often described as needleless acupuncture and research shows that it actually changes brain chemistry over just a few sessions (for a copy of a summary of this report, send me an email).
If you are experiencing any anxiety or stress related to your personal finances, I invite you to consider using EFT. Below you will find a sample of EFT for financial concerns. Of course, a single session or simple example such as what is included here is not likely to be as comprehensive or nearly as satisfying as working one-on-one with an EFT professional; yet it can bring greater clarity and peace and that is a great start.
Before tapping, imagine that you want connect with the deepest emotion you can find about your finances. Of course, you might initially think it is anger, fear, or sadness. Ask yourself, anger about what? Fear about what? Sadness about what? The idea is to be as specific as possible as specificity improves the outcome. Now rate on a scale of 1-10 the intensity of the emotion.
So, if you found that ‘fear of being homeless’ was the emotion you found to be most intense, rate the intensity of this using the scale of 1-10. It might be as high as a 10 or about a 5. Either way, is okay. Write that number down. Tap for a few rounds and then re-test, where is the ‘fear of being homeless’ after tapping? Did it go up or down?
Then continue to tap on the different aspects that come up for you until you collapse all of the fears around your finances. If you need help, I recommend working with an EFT practitioner. EFT is practiced via phone or in-person. Telephone sessions are just as powerful as an in-person yet it eliminates travel time and costs.
Using the fingers of one hand tap at least 6-7 times on each of the following points verbalizing the phrases provided.
Karate Chop (fleshy side of hand below the little finger):
“Even though I am anxious and scared about what might happen to me and my personal finances because of today’s financial climate, I deeply and completely love, accept and forgive all of me.”
“Even though I am scared to death that I might lose my job and become homeless I love and accept all of me and my emotions now”
“Even though I don’t believe this tapping works or can work, I deeply and profoundly love and accept all of me and all of my doubts.”
Now using the index and middle fingers, tap on the following points.
Eye brow (nearest nose): I am so scared that I might lose my job and all my money…
Side of eye (outside bone of brow): I am afraid that I might run out of money…
Under eye: I am angry at our government and the financial institutions for this financial crisis…
Under nose: I am angry at myself…
Collarbone: I am so worried that I might become homeless…
Underarm (in line with the breast): I am so angry, what if I become homeless…
Top of Head: All this sadness around my finances…
Eye brow (nearest nose): All this anger around my financial situation…
Side of eye (outside bone of brow): All this frustration around my finances…
Under eye: I want to be calm but I don’t know how considering what is happening around me in the world
and to my friends…
Under nose: I do not want to be calm, I need to feel anxious so I don’t let things slip…
Collarbone: It doesn’t feel safe to be calm…
Underarm (in line with the breast): No one else is calm, why should I be calm? I have too much to lose!
Top of Head: I choose to be safe and calm no matter what anyone else is feeling or doing. I choose to feel
calm anyway…
Eye brow (nearest nose): I allow myself to feel relaxed and hopeful…
Side of eye (outside bone of brow): I can be safe and calm…
Under nose: I love the guidance I receive when I am calm and relaxed…
Collarbone: I love feeling peaceful…
Underarm (in line with the breast): I am strong and resourceful…
Top of Head: I now allow myself to feel calm and attract what I need right now into my life…
Eye brow (nearest nose): I am grateful for the clarity I receive…
Side of eye (outside bone of brow): I love that I can clearly see the next steps I need to take…
Under eye: I now allow abundance and prosperity into my life…
Under nose: I choose to feel safe regardless of what is happening around me…
Collarbone: Everyone deserves abundance…
Underarm (in line with the breast): There is always enough for me…There is enough for everyone…
Top of Head: I am so happy and grateful for all the prosperity and abundance in my life…
After tapping, tune back into the original emotion and re-rate it. How did it change? Did it go down? The important question is how are you feeling? It is likely that you feel calmer and more peaceful as a result of tapping.
You can tap on all the emotions that show up during your day. Releasing them as they arise helps to free up your energy so that you can focus on what brings you joy and happiness.
I invite you to email me and let me know this sample worked for you.
Copyright © 2011 Victorea Luminary
Victorea Luminary holds a Masters in Business Administration and has received comprehensive training as an Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner, Shamanic Practitioner, Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner (EFT), Option Method Mentor, and Crystal Therapeutics Practitioner, and Angelic Healing Practitioner.
She is available for personalized private sessions and workshops. Visit her website at: or call 800-319-2587 or 254-931-5441.