* I believe we each have a deep love in our hearts.
* I believe we each deserve to receive love.
* I believe there is a special partner for each of us.
Millions of single people are out there, just waiting to open to a relationship. If you’ve been without an intimate relationship for a while, and you want one, I suspect you are holding a shield in front of you that says “Go Away” to all prospective partners. You are carefully maintaining your Achy Breaky Heart as protection.
Once you’ve been hurt in a relationship (including your parents) you can be unconsciously set on protecting yourself from opening up to that kind of pain again. The most kind, loving, attractive person can walk by, and you won’t even notice.
Fortunately, through energy psychology and intention, we can clear our deepest fears of being devastated. We can grow a lovely space to invite others in where they will see our beauty and want to be a part of our lives.
Join Robin Heart Shepperd for four consecutive evenings to clear old fears and habit patterns concerning intimate relationships. Mend your achy, breaky heart and let the love flow.
Tuesdays, May 24, 31, June 7, 14
7-9 pm
3400 B South Oak
Austin, Texas 78704
Investment in you
$120 ($20 discount if paid by May 17)
For more information or to register
For information regarding Dr. Shepperd and energy psychology: www.CompassionateClearing.com
More About Robin Heart Shepperd here.
Austin, TX 78704