Saturday and Sunday, April 28th and 29th, 2012
ReSurfacing is Section I of The Avatar Course. It is 2-day workshop that contains information, demonstrations, and experiential exercises to awaken you to the unlimited possibilities of living deliberately.
ReSurfacing refers to the action of disentangling yourself from old creations and rising back into awareness. It is a process, paralleling nature, of revealing yourself to yourself. The rewards are new insights and realizations about how your life works—or why it doesn’t.
Here you will experience a greater connection with and insight into the nature of personal reality. The exercises bring forth a you that transcends all the ideas you’ve imagined yourself or the world to be.
This moment of transcendence, or resurfacing, is a glimpse into the realm opened by the Avatar materials.
Welcome home.
Saturday and Sunday, April 28th and 29th
9am – 7pm (with a lunch break)
804 Avondale
Austin Texas 78704
Registration is $295, plus $35 for the course books
For More Information
Please contact
Cata 512-296-3836 or DevKirn 512-350-1758 for information about ReSurfacing or attending a Free Info Hour.
Avatar® and ReSurfacing® are registered trademarks of Star’s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.
Austin, TX 78704