Saturday – May 28th 2011
There are many unseen beings present in this world. Just as angels, spirit guides and totems are with us, their opposites also exist. Many people are sensitive enough to hear, feel, or see them. They are called hitchhikers, Klingons, boogies, entities, inter-dimensional riff raff, ghosts and other unflattering things.
When we think of unseen entities, this culture is most familiar with ghosts. It is true that many ghosts are in our environment. There also exists a multitude of other energies, many of whom are looking for a host – a human being or animal – to latch onto for sustenance. They want our energy, and most don’t know why they are tired.
In Banish the Ghosts, Robin Heart Shepperd, D.C. will teach you how to remove these beings from your friends, your home, your body, and your place of business in a safe manner. It’s fun and easy. After being cleared of these entities, you may find yourself in a better mood, sleep better and have more energy. Also, through entity removal, you can assist others, such as screaming children, angry co-workers, grumpy relatives to feel much better.
Saturday – May 28, 2011
10am – 4pm
South Austin
For Reservations and Address
call 512-444-9777
Learn More About Dr. Robin Heart Shepperd Here.