Saturday May 11th, 2013 with Donna Starnes.
Bringing healing, balance and joy into our daily lives in this world is not easy. In these monthly workshops you will learn to confront and transform the old model into a more wholesome, holistic and joyful model.
Tools you will learn include:
• Saying “Yes” to life in a deeper way.
• Go with the flow regardless of what is happening in your life.
• Be compassionate to yourself and others.
• Look within for clarity and insights in your life.
• Choose with awareness what brings you joy.
Be prepared to find the “ah” of you and walk out feeling confident, recharged and refreshed.
Saturday May 11th
1pm – 3pm
Thrive Fitness
3212 South Congress Ave.
Austin, Texas 78704
Preregister for $20
$30 at the door
For More Information and To Register
512 917 2135