Saturday June 15th, 2013 with DIANNA.
…Come along as we journey through the enchanting world of Crystals.
A Fun, Interactive Event for the Whole Family! Ages 5 and Up. Fascinated with crystals? Enjoy crafts & activities which provide a basic introduction to crystals; their care and use.
•Atoms, molecules, & crystals, Oh My!
•Crystals ~ natural transmitters. How do they work? Explore energy forms working with crystals such as magnetic & sound energy etc.
•The importance of clearing/cleansing crystals.
•Crystals, more than beauty. Using crystals as a tool in everyday life ~ “charging” or “programming”.
And Much More!
When: Saturday, June 15, 2013. 2:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Where: Crystal Auditorium, Nature’s Treasures. 4103 North IH35, Austin,TX. 78722
Early Discount Rate ~ $25.00 per family. Valid only through June 10th.
Energy Exchange: $33 per family* (more than one adult in group additional $2.00 each to cover materials). * Includes handout & one 10 minute crystal personal shopping session per family to be scheduled with Austin’s Crystal Whisperer.
Registration Required. Kids Free! **One adult caregiver (18 & over) for each group must be present in the Crystal Auditorium during the event.
To Register: E-mail
For more information go to
Austin, TX 78722