Sunday August 26th, 2012 – Don’t Make Your Pet Sick with Kay Anderson – How our emotional energy effects our companion animals.
Our companion animals often show up in our lives to help us deal with life’s challenges. Sometimes, our companion animals siphon off our excess emotional energy to help us deal with stress, anger, fear and grief. If the animal doesn’t release this energy, it can manifest into health and behavioral problems.
This class will address the relationship between our emotional energy and the health and behavior of our pets. Austin animal communicator Kay Anderson of Soul to Soul Connections will give a presentation about both the long- and short-term effects of our energy states on our companion animals.
The class will also practice clearing techniques we can use on ourselves and our companion animals to help prevent this excess energy manifesting into health issues. We will also discuss stressful circumstances like lost pets, including how to prepare for and deal with those experiences in the most beneficial way for our companion animals.
There will be time for a question and answer period at the end of the class. If time permits, Kay will do intuitive pet consultations for participants who bring photos of their animals to the class. Please leave your pets at home for this event.
Pre-registration is strongly suggested.
Sunday – August 26th
1pm – 4pm
South Austin
Location that will be disclosed to participants upon registration
Before 5pm on August 18th for the discounted rate of $25
After 5pm on August 18th – $40
To Register
Register online at the Events page of
You may also call Kay Anderson at 512-820-7723 to register