Sunday December 2nd, 2012 Feeling Energy with Susan Wright
You have the power to increase joy and prosperity in your life! Learn to recognize the vibrations that surround, permeate and affect your life. Discover some of the many tools available to work with vibrational energy.
What Will Be Covered
Feeling energy / Raising your vibration
Forgiveness – what this can mean for you
Emotions – our guidance system
Love and Gratitude
Angel Energy – the higher vibrations that not only surround us, but ARE us
Nature Energy – Plant energy/Flower essences, crystals, animal energy
You will come away with information and tools that, when applied, will change your life. It HAS to – it’s ENERGY. And energy moves and changes according to thought.
Fun And Informative
Sunday December 2nd
10am – 1pm
Nature’s Treasures
in the auditorium
4103 North IH 35
Austin,Texas 78722
Workshop $35
A $15 deposit is required by November 23rd
Dress comfortably, bring pillows, blankets if you like. Snacks will be provided and feel free to bring your own.
For More Information and to Register
You can register at
Or send an email to
Documentation will be sent to registered attendees prior to the workshop.
Austin, TX 78722