Thursday, September 13th, 2012 with Dr. Robin Heart Shepperd
The Oxford dictionary defines forgiveness as ‘to grant free pardon and give up all claim on account of an offense or debt.’
People who forgive are happier and healthier than those who hold resentments. So why is it so darn hard to forgive? Most of us understand the need to forgive, but are at a loss for ways to accomplish that.
Sometimes it is easier to just let go than to forgive. We will each pick a person or situation in which we are holding onto an offense, and tap the anger and resentment away using EFT to release our upset.
As many have money issues in these times, Dr. Robin will be giving the session (normally $30) in exchange for a donation.
Robin Heart Shepperd, D.C., has been skillfully employing energy psychology for 10 years to remove blocks from people’s life issues.
Thursday, September 13
7pm – 9pm
South Austin. Call for directions
More Information and Reservations