Friday September 28th, 2012 – Cleansing the Mind: Tools for Personal Transformation
The western mind has turned cleansing into a fanatical fear driven obsession while ironically overlooking one of the main areas of toxicity itself: the mind.
The emotions such as fear, sadness and anxiety are deeply rooted psychological toxins which if left unchecked or forcefully suppressed will transform into life patterns which create a paradigm of confusion and disease. In this lecture we will explore important tools for cleansing the mind of toxic emotions and discuss the crucial idea of mental “digestion.”
We will also examine healing modalities from Ayurveda , Yoga and Vedic Astrology and reveal important methods for spiritual cleansing and sowing the seeds of health and vitality deep within the mind. Join us for this informative event!
Friday September 28th
7:30pm – 9:30pm
East Side Yoga
1050 East 11th Street
Austin, Texas 78702
please call 512 779 8543
1050 E 11th St
Austin, TX 78702