Thursday, January 12th, 2012
Join Jeannie Zandi and friends for an evening of exploration into living from the field of presence and love.
Jeannie is a revolutionary of the Heart who invites all into the Unknown, to discover the true life we are meant to live, as Love.
Jeannie invites and supports the unfolding of Love through surrendering to the Unknown in the lives of those with whom she works. The paradox of being at once human and divine is embraced, celebrated, and explored in service to embodying the Holy within life’s challenges.
This work includes discerning the Holy impulse from the pull of conditioning, and allowing what already wants to happen through the being to move freely in the light of Truth. Working through the body as a portal and expression of the Holy is a key feature of her work.
Thursday, January 12th
Casa de Luz
1701 Toomey Road
Austin, Texas 78704
$15-$20 donation requested
For More Information and to Register
Call Leila at 512.419.1484 or email
For more information about Jeannie, visit
Austin, TX 78704