Saturday August 4th, 2012 with Bart Sharp
Here are some of the advanced tools you will be learning
*How to perceive energies of entities in others and homes.
*Learn to clear entities and ghosts out of homes and off people.
*How to be more present in your body.
*Advanced perspectives in removing curses. Learn a variety of applications of how removing curses can be applied.
*Clear energies of drugs from a home or a person.
*Dealing with the more intense spirits; strategies, perspectives and techniques.
*Learn to re-charge or re-energize a home.
*Learn to harmonize a home with its owner.
*Clear a home through its chakras.
*Learn to close portals, (openings for entities from lower dimensional planes).
*Clear emotions and energies previous tenants or guests left in a home.
*Learn how to empower the home in its own energy.
*How to facilitate the help of angels in your clearings.
*Clear the structure of the home, furniture and pets.
*Clear entities from your computer. And much more…..
This class is an accumulation of skills beginning with Access Energy Transformation and other tools learned through necessity over the past ten years.
Clearing entities and energies from homes, off people is a subtle world that required of me to continually develop new tools as the paranormal situations required.
Ghost busting includes clearing various entities, ghosts, closing portals, removing curses and clearing magnetic energies and there is so much more.
Saturday, Aug 4th
10am – 5:30pm
Austin, Texas
$100, $60 for repeats, $15 for lab
35 plus page booklet Included
Reserve Your Space
RSVP Bart by Aug 2nd to reserve your space
A one hour plus lab at someone’s home to demonstrate the applications of class on August 11th