Love and Life Spiritual Concert January 21, 2011.
Lotus Li Workshop January 22, 2011.
On Friday, January 21, Lotus Li will share the sound of her heart and the language of love with her soprano voice. Lotus, who comes from the Far East, feels the vibration from everything and brings about harmony with her incredible voice. Her wondrous voice has an incredible effect on human life and spirit; her singing speaks to the unconscious, evokes the body’s inner energy, restores vitality, and allows you to feel and merge into the harmony of everything. She sings different tunes to different illness and heals with different effects to restore health.
On Saturday, January 22, Lotus Li will provide a workshop from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. A Yoga master said: “This is the ancient yoga music, which take you deep into the states of meditation.” Upon hearing her singing, a renowned Hollywood composer said to her: “Your voice is a gift from God; you are able to spontaneously create such spiritual music.”
Unity Church of the Hills
9905 Anderson Mill Road
Austin, TX 78750
Friday – January 21, 2011
7pm – 9pm
Saturday – January 22, 2011
1pm – 5pm
Concert only – $20
Workshop only – $40
Both Concert and Workshop – $50
For More Information
Church phone – 512-335-4449