Give Yourself the GIFT of Support and Connection in 2012 – You DON’T have to do it Alone!
Achieve Your Goals for 2012 with the Support of and Connection to others through our On-going group retreats. Create a New Year and New You! for your body, mind, heart, soul, or finances with a single or retreat series just right for you!
Ideal Weight Team – Monday(s), Jan 9, 2012 + additional Free ongoing support: -more below
Radiant Heart Healing Group – Saturdays, Jan 14, 28 – Feb 11, 25 – Mar 10, 31, 2012: -more below
Vibrant Healthy Living With Life-Enhancing Food – Saturdays, Jan 21 – Feb 18 – Mar 17 – Apr 21, 2012: -more below
From Idea to Action: Making 2012 the Year of Your Heart’s Desire – Sunday, January 29, 2012: -more below
Achieving Your Goals in 2012 – Sundays, February 5, 12, 19, 26, 2012: -more below
Ideal Weight Team – Monday, January 9, 2012
Cinch by the Inch and Reach Your Ideal Weight
Join the Morning Mist Retreats Ideal Weight Team for a Fun and Easy 3-month program that will support you in reaching your goals quickly using all natural health- supporting GenesisPURE products. There will be weekly drawings giving away $100; a $500 shopping spree; $1500 to the winning team; and a grand prize of a Carribean cruise for two!
Radiant Heart Healing Group – 6 Saturdays in Jan-Mar, 2012
Give Yourself the Gift of Evolving to Higher Levels of Consciousness
This group provides a place for like-minded people to connect with each other and with Spirit as they learn ways to permanently raise their vibratory frequency. All sessions will include experiential exercises designed to remove energetic blocks, anchor your soul in your heart, expand your aura, and access your soul, which is the wisest part of you. In addition, each participant will be able to focus on healing their specific individual issues with the assistance of Dr. Sharon Wesch, author of The Radiant Heart.
Vibrant Healthy Living With Life-Enhancing Food – 1 to 4 Saturdays in Jan-Apr
Add more years to your life and more life to your years!
Start the New Year out right by learning to prepare foods that feed your body, mind, and soul. These simple easy foods expand your energy while shrinking your waistline. Have fun with your food and feel fantastic in your body through Vibrant Healthy Living. Through these four classes with Jisele Tuuri you will learn the basics of raw food preparation to gradually transform your life and eating habits. Learn life enhancing recipes that are delicious, easy and fun. Join any one or all four retreats to celebrate your life and treat your body to enjoyable and life-transforming food!
From Idea to Action: Making 2012 the Year of Your Heart’s Desire – Sun, Jan 29
Achieve Success with Kimberly Porter of Blaze Breakthrough Coaching
o Face and overcome the 3 challenges to initiating change and achieving success:
1) Initial discomfort, 2) Negative self-talk, 3) Staying motivated
o Raise the bar and stop doing the same old thing you’ve always done
o Learn new strategies to ignore false alarms and resist the urge to quit
o Courageously take off the blinders and breakthrough the bull crap
Achieving Your Goals in 2012 – 4 Sundays in February, 2012
Clear Out Whatever is Stopping You from Having the Life of Your Dreams
Are you blocked from achieving your goals in life? Do you feel like something is missing – the right relationship, career or calling, balance, health, or happiness? If something is in the way of your having and being all that you want in life, this is the group for you. These four sessions with Evelyn Talmadge will be absolutely life-changing. Enjoy and revel in an amazing sense of freedom to do whatever you want with a sense of purpose and acceptance of “what is.” Release resentments, upset and fears that have stopped you in the past. This is a 4-week commitment to yourself and the group to break out of old patterns so you can have the life of your dreams!
Morning Mist Retreats is a Texas non-profit organization dedicated to providing retreats that are spiritual, experiential, culturally diverse, and affordable. Our goal is to provide transformative, fulfilling experiences. See or contact, Karen Beard, Director, at (512) 255-0075 or