Saturday, March 19, 2011 With Kim Keeton and Angelique Lugo.
Provides an overview of the Usui Method as well as its principles, Energetic Healing of the Aura & the Chakra Energy Centers, hand positions for treating yourself and others, and Level One Attunements. The cost is $120-140 (sliding scale), which includes instruction, a manual, certificate of completion, attunements, and consultations during the 21 day clearing cycle following training.
A unique twist: This course will be co-taught by Reiki Masters Angelique Lugo and Kim Keeton. The class will work in breakout sessions as well as come together for group work throughout the day. Co-teaching gives the students the unique opportunity to work with two Masters in order to maximize learning and enhance attunements.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
10am – 3pm
Location revealed upon RSVP
The cost is $120-140 (sliding scale)
For More Information
Please contact me if this interests you and to reserve your spot!
More About Kim Keeton here.
More About Angelique Lugo here.