Saturday June 23rd, 2012 with Gabriella Espinosa
More often than not, when we are wishing for a mate, we leave ourselves out of the picture. We identify the great qualities we would like this fabulous person to have but we forget to include our vision of who WE want to become – our deep aspirations for ourselves as a soulful human being – in relationship to this wonderful new mate.
In this One Day Intensive Pure Soul Alchemy workshop, we will not only identify and hone in on the ideal mate our heart and soul truly longs for, but also, AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, the qualities in ourselves which we aspire to bring forward.
In this Intensive, we will create a more optimized set of life circumstances to contain our new personas and new relationship – the whole picture. Once, we’ve created that, we will also identify any current or potential blockages that we feel may interfere with this New Relationship Vision coming to fruition.
This Workshop is for anyone wishing to clarify and implement a new design for themselves in relationship. Married people, singles and committed partners would all benefit from doing this work. As we shift the design of our relationship templates, as well as ourselves in relationship to this template, we broadcast a whole new set of frequency options. This allow us and our partners to transform into our new relationship horizon.
Be prepared for MAJOR SHIFTING during our workshop and in the days following.
What You Get
3 Pure Soul Alchemy 55 minute Sessions
Special Aura Soma illumination Sequences
Guided Movement, Meditations & Visualizations
Group Sharing & Feedback
After our workshop to aid integration:
40 minute group phone clearing session (day 3)
2 email group clearings
What To Bring
extra cushion if you need it (for sitting & laying down)
healthy lunch, food, snacks (bring what you like)
If you have yet to experience Pure Soul Alchemy, please call to chat with Gabriella Espinosa 512-699-0369 and visit Gabriella’s Blog Talk Radio show for an overview and a demonstration.
Saturday, June 23rd.
11am to 7pm
3312 Doolin Drive
Austin TX, 78704
$168 if registered by June 12th
For More Information
Limit 6
More About Gabriella Espinosa
Austin, TX 78704