Saturday August 25th, 2012
In Spiritual Astrology the position of the Nodes of the Moon point us to major spiritual Life Lessons on areas of our soul that present to us real opportunities of Spiritual growth and realization.
By studying the Nodes of the Moon in your astrological chart we will unveil these spiritual messages. We will have an opportunity to identify what is holding us back, what things we must leave behind (South Node), and also, where our opportunities of learning and growth lie, where to concentrate our efforts of inner transformation (North Node).
In this workshop you will learn specific information about your spiritual purpose in this life and how to consciously work on the karmic imbalance that we are presented with.
You will need to bring the following information: your birth date, place of birth and time of birth. The accuracy of this information will affect the results of the analysis and your participation.
Saturday August 25th
10am – 12noon
Crystal Auditorium
Nature’s Treasures
4103 I-35 Frontage Rd.
Austin, TX, 78722
For More Information
Austin, TX 78722