By Bart Sharp with Marci Steinberg and Ajna Star
Saturday January 28th, 2012
The impetus of wealth, good health, sexual energy and high spiritual being source comes from a power deep within us. The deepest sense of our being human begins there, the innate ability to create in these four areas is powered in our deepest being, the 2nd chakra.
In the upcoming class,” Accessing Our Core Being” we will explore the limitations that keep us from flowing freely inside of us and develop our most important personal power area. It will be a day of energetic activations, guided visualizations, Access Energy Transformation clearings and each person will receive a private individual session (Marci Steinberg or Ajna Star) of energetic bodywork connecting us into our body in a way that we have never experienced before.
By the end of the day we will experience what it feels like to be more vibrant, grounded and connected to the source of power that is naturally you. Handouts Included.
Bart sez: “Doing six hours plus of energy work can break-down our defenses and we become new energies so something more real can be perceived in our 2nd chakra and how we manifest our lives.”
New clearings and activations.
Chakra Healing by Ajna Star improves chronic, severe, and/or traumatic issues of the emotional, physical, and/or metaphysical aspects. This is done in two ways through Ms. Star as an empath and a conduit for channeling divine light of needed frequencies into the related chakras: The transference of energy via spontaneous chi-gong, and/or being in a meditative state when visually reading the client’s chakras.
Buffing by Marci Steinberg is a key component to getting you out of your head and into your body. It is the use of vibration, with a massage tool, that is used on your body as you breathe in a particular way. The vibration will interrupt your holding patterns that will release from your body and nervous system. This allows the body to release and let go of stress, patterns, traumas and issues.
Saturday, January 28th
10am – 5:30pm
Austin, Texas
Cost for creating a greater power within you, $100
Please R.S.V.P by 1-26-12
For More Information and to RSVP