Saturday – December 2nd, 2017.
Come explore the powerful and transformative Scorpionic energies that live within us and in all of the universe.
This unique opportunity blends personal astrological insight based on your OWN birth chart with powerful live music that will guide you into an ecstatic dance journey.
The perfect blend of music, dance, knowledge, nature, and silence to facilitate a deep, transformative experience.
As we experience the natural shift towards the longer nights we will utilize rhythm, ritual, and the body as a portal to our deep understanding of self and other. We will explore our relationship to light and dark… our power, our life force, and our capacity for transcendence.
Jupiter, the planet of expansion enters its year long sojourn into the powerful sign of Scorpio on Oct 10th. Scorpio, known as “The Dark Mother” archetype, rules over our Soul dimensions and the greatest of mysteries… life, death, sexuality, and the alchemical process of the transmutation of light and dark.
As we experience the natural shift towards the longer nights we will utilize rhythm, ritual, and the body as a portal to our deep understanding of self and other. We will explore our relationship to light and dark… our power, our life force, and our capacity for transcendence.
Our retreat will be held on 7 lush acres of Lotus Bend Sanctuary in SE Austin. We will enjoy the perfect balance of movement, stillness, sound, silence and ceremony, as well as personal astrological guidance based on your birth chart.
This retreat is held in 3 monthly parts on first Saturdays – October 7th, November 4th and December 2nd.
First Saturdays
October 7th: 10am – 6pm
November 4th: 1pm – 7pm
December 2nd: 4pm – 10pm
Lotus Bend Sanctuary
2808 Robin Road
Manchaca, Texas 78652
For More Information
To Register
Social Media
Manchaca, TX 78652