Friday, March 25, 2011
Zedrouh Reich, called Woman of the Light by the Ancients, Archangels and Divine Masters, brings sacred songs and ascension alchemy to Austin.
Bathe in streams of love, peace and joy as Zedrouh pours forth the Light Beyond All Light through song. Each song, infused with miracles of light, is a divine and perfect union of the Ancient Harmonics and the Language of Light. Each unique song is a gift of the heart from Zedrouh and her Divine Team.
Because each concert is as unique as the people attending and the Divine Ones participating, your very presence shapes the concert you will hear. Songs that take you to the heights of heaven. Songs that ground you to the earth and make you want to get up and dance. All are joyful. All are divine celebrations of you.
Children: The Archangels, Ancients and Zedrouh love the energy of children and welcome them to this great celebration. Each will receive a special blessing of light. Because the Concert lasts for several hours with just a short break, we ask that you consider your child’s ability to sit for a while and become involved with the music. Typically this would be around 6 to 8 years, but this of course will vary greatly from child to child. If your child will be more comfortable on the floor than in a chair, feel free to bring a blanket and pillow.
Zedrouh will be holding two events while in Austin, the Archangels and Ancients Concert of Light on Friday and the Sacred Ascension Ceremony of Light: Answering the Call Sat morning. For details on the Sacred Ascension Ceremony of Light, see Mar 26 event. Attend both and save $10.
When: Fri, March 25, 7:00 to 9:00 pm
Where: New Earth Center, 7708 Thomas Springs Rd, Austin, TX 78736
Cost: Adults $20, Children (8 & up, please) $5.00
Find out more about Zedrouh and her work at Reserve your space at
Austin, TX 78736