Even the most grounded people have felt the splintered effects of all that has happened to Earth’s people in the year 2020…
Sitting here sipping my hot morning coffee, my mind flashes back over the past year, and more recently, to the Arctic storm ravages and Covid vaccine phenomena that have left us exhausted, bewildered, wandering aimlessly through stores, and questioning our reason for being here and our level of sanity. Even the most grounded people have felt the splintered effects of all that has happened to Earth’s people in the year 2020, and now as 2021 takes shape, we still cling to memories more stable while wondering what in the Hell has happened? We have given up so much. All the traditional gatherings, celebrations, graduations, memorials, and events have been eliminated from our isolated lives, leaving us longing for a hug, a handshake, and real laughter without a mask hiding our faces lined with expression.
Thankfully, Spring has arrived with new buds releasing tiny green sprouts of hope reminding us that life emerges triumphant year after year in spite of harshness imposed on us by unforeseen forces and our human frailties. People all over the world are awakening and asking questions. Constant focus on troubling issues can make us ill, rob us of our ability to reason and create, and funnel us down a deep, dark path of fear, sadness, grief, and monotony.
Or, we can begin to realize just how wonderful and powerful we, as Bringers of the Light, actually are. We chose to be here at this time on planet Earth, so let’s start shining our Lights into the dark crevices and alleyways, into the dark minds and hearts of those who aren’t aware or don’t care. We must join forces in this Spiritual War to stop the secrecy, evil, greed, corruption, cruelty, and control of our minds, bodies, and spirits. This will be the biggest Awakening the human soul has ever known, and we are in the midst of something huge, phenomenal, and beautiful. This will take time, but it is happening.
The coffee in my Navy cup is cold. The crest insignia reminds me of their motto: “Don’t Give Up the Ship.” We don’t dare let our National ship go down. We must not give up on our higher purposes, let each other down, lose faith, or submit to temptations for personal gain. We must protect the Energy of Freedom. As my oldest grandson prepares for Flight School, this aging Grandma stands a bit taller when hearing our National Anthem and is filled with a deeper desire to leave to the younger generations a pathway to a better world. We can all contribute goodness to this New Age in which we live, this Age of Aquarius. Connect to your soul deep within to step forward with your best efforts, kind acts, bravery, and great love to bring about a better, sweeter world for our children, grandchildren, and those yet to come.
Retreating inward helps us to center. Ground your feet into the Chi of the Earth feeling its energy. Stand in the sunshine. Close your eyes and breathe in deeply. Pull in the Light from the Heavens, bathing yourself in Its power, protection, and healing. Deepen your faith in God. Heavenly Beings surround our Earth and are helping us in this quest toward Enlightenment. We are Warriors of this Aquarian Light…and we are ready.
Article by Suzanne Gene Courtney
Suzanne Gene (Davis) Courtney moved to Austin, TX, in 2015 after having taught in the elementary grades for over thirty years. She lives near two of her children and grandchildren. Her oldest son passed away suddenly at the age of twenty-five on The Big Island of Hawaii. Dealing with profound grief, she began to write. To date, she has authored six books, four of which deal with grief, loss, and hope. Her books have won awards, with the latest one, Heaven Held, being named Best Spiritual Nonfiction for 2018 by Texas Authors Association.
Along with her author/illustrator career, Suzanne is a Reiki Master Practitioner, Crystal Healer, Channeled Light Healer, and Grief Coach.
Suzanne’s Book: Heaven Held: An Angelic Account of Children in Transition