It helped to boost my lagging career many years ago and it’s the reason why I left that job to make feng shui a full-time business. While working from home at this time it’s a prime opportunity to start thinking of ways to either change or boost your career and wealth goals.
Whether you love your job or want a new one, feng shui has techniques that can help boost or enhance current desires.
Feng Shui Tips for Creating Momentum
- Keep windows clean
- Remove dust and dirt
- Deep clean appliances
- Dump the clutter
- Donate old clothes and shoes
- Refresh the air with candles, purifiers and open windows
- Sweep and mop your floors
- Rearrange the furniture
For those who want to find a job, utilize feng shui flying star cures (we have a DIY kit on our website) but also take advantage through visuals. Vision boards and intentions are great tools for creating goals for yourself. If you want a job with more opportunities for growth or higher pay, showcase that through magazine clippings, quotes, and positive thoughts. Hang your vision board on the West wall (creativity) or somewhere you can see it daily so that it serves as a constant reminder of what you want to achieve.
Feng Shui Tip: Print out a posting of the ideal position or job you want and paste it on a red piece of construction paper. Place it on the South wall of your office to bring recognition and fame to you.
The way you present yourself can also impact how you are viewed at job interviews. Find your power pose and dress accordingly. Not only will this help gain a sense of confidence. A strong outfit will help mentally prepare you for success and will showcase your dedication for the position that you want.
Is your home filled with a mess? Clear the clutter and make room for the job that you want. Do you have an office in your home? If so, prepare it for abundance by discarding junk mail and papers. Have your desk clear and ready so that you can apply to jobs in peace and transform your old office into a new one.
Reduce the amount of negative energy around you. It’s amazing how much bad energy can affect your mentality and overall positivity. If you are looking for a big change, get rid of as much “bad chi” as you can. Bad chi consists of broken items, negative thoughts, and energy leaks that can drastically affect the money flowing in and out of your home. This is especially important if you are looking for a new job specifically for higher pay.
Going through a career change can be stressful, but there are all sorts of actions and next steps that make the process easier for you. A job is not only a means to an income, but it’s a form of socialization that enhances one’s talents and abilities. Feng shui can be used as an important tool towards success and your dream job.
Contact us anytime for a free 45-minute job finding phone session.
512-740-1251 or
Article by Belinda Mendoza
Belinda Mendoza is a Feng Shui expert located in Austin, TX. She became fascinated with the ancient Asian art of Feng Shui because its principles helped to catapult her own career. She had more pay raises and promotions when she began using Feng Shui than she had ever had before! Combining Eastern and Western Feng Shui techniques and methods has helped her clients achieve more prosperity and harmony in their businesses and lives over the past 20 years.