For empaths like us…
We probably felt a jolt of relief, maybe even excitement, at the thought of being holed up at home for a few months when the pandemic stay-at-home order began. (Not to say that we weren’t concerned about the events around us.) We perhaps expected a couple of months to nest, organize, recenter, reacquaint with our inner stillness and create, create, create…
Not really, though, right?
After realizing what the world was in for, we more likely became incredibly anxious, burdening ourselves with the idea of “needing” to accomplish something grand and magnificent in order to make our stamp on the world. Our flight or fight response was “on fleek” at a time when we needed to surrender. We enrolled in courses, challenged ourselves, started new projects, stopped projects, and/or…just watched tons of Netflix and ate comfort food.
Good news: All of this or none of this was totally acceptable and doesn’t mean you’ve lost your creative self.
Now that life is opening up little by little, we may be feeling a pull to get out of that Pandemic Energy–the fear, the cocoon, the safety net, the stagnancy–and into a more vibrant and authentic creative state. It’s good for the mind, body, and soul to be still. We often hear about spirituality and rest, not to mention the importance of receiving while in rest mode. It is, however, also a delicate balance. We, as energetic beings also require movement (physically, emotionally, and mentally) when called.
Are you beginning to feel less than excited about coming back home to your couch? Are you feeling an urge to change up your routine, but become overwhelmed at the thought of starting anything new? Do you get short hits of inspiration only to become deflated once again by draining energy?
More good news: this is normal. I believe this is your creative being asking for nourishment, and moving out of this stagnant energy doesn’t have to be as daunting as it sounds! The pandemic and time of stillness absolutely paid off in the rest department, even if it doesn’t reflect so obviously on the surface. You have, within you, more than ever, the stillness that is always there for you to return home to when called, and now…it is safe to move back into your ever creative self.
Here are some tips to get you going.
Step 1. START SMALL and Follow the Spark
What is the Spark? The spark is what I base my days and creative projects around. I ask: “What is really lighting me up?” “What is asking for my attention?”
You’ll find answers like: A bike ride, grabbing a coffee (safely) someplace you’ve been dying to try, reading outdoors.
Don’t dim light on these seemingly small curiosities and sparks that light you up. These will snowball, and eventually, you create and exercise a muscle that helps you to leap into those BIG THINGS you desire to create.
Have an idea to start a book? What’s it about? Write it down someplace you’ll come back to, feel into the excitement of your creation, let it go, and follow what shows up next.
Remember, you don’t need to finish your amazing novel today, you have time, and a great piece of art, I believe, takes authentic love, attention, and time. The hits to help you create this novel could be something completely out of the blue and seemingly unrelated to your creation: “Call so-n-so, let the sun hit you for 15 minutes, grab an ice cream, buy that coloring book, listen to that album”
Following intuitive hits of those things that light you up can ease you out of energy that is no longer serving you. It’s YOU, your higher self, the universe giving you what you’re asking for and presenting the steps to get you there, all while having fun.
Step 2. Action
The next step is acting on these curiosities and sparks. Trusting yourself is a difficult thing when coming out of a year and a half of what we’ve all experienced. (I’ve noticed trusting those around you as well is something we need to re-learn). The ego or logical part of you will try and smother your delicious plans with: “No time” “Not Important” “Can do later”
This thwarts the energy you’re trying to move through and can keep you stuck.
Trust the hits, follow your spark, and allow yourself the time to be creative, to move, to enjoy something as small as a walk around a park. These small steps move mountains in creative energy and are all accumulating currency for the backbone of your creations.
Step 3. Write it Down!
As a musician, I have ideas for a song or melody that come to me in the mornings, in between waking and dreams. Not every morning, and not all the time. If I don’t catch it, that spark is gone. An idea that could create a new extension of myself in this world, has gone back into the ethers because I didn’t act! What a shame. I’ve learned to keep the voice memos close, and a pen and paper by my bedside. The mind goes through many avenues throughout the day, and if I don’t answer the divine call of a melody or lyric, an idea for a podcast episode, or spark to write a blog, I am doing a disservice to myself and the collective.
Writing it (whatever that is for you) down can integrate those two pieces of your being: the Higher Frequency and the Grounded Frequency, and that in there lies your power. You are calling in the energy you want to create, and pushing through the stagnant.
“I’ll remember it,” –is like waving a hand away at the Universe, letting it know, “It’s not important.”
Oh, but it is! Rather, when you write these words down, you are showing your higher self.” “Hey, I see you, I’m grateful for you, and I honor this power within me.”
Now…after your long, luxurious day of living in your creative flow, it’s time to relish in the accomplishment of acknowledging the spark, taking action, and writing anything and everything that comes in as an idea or that aids you on your journey as the creative being you are, lighting the way for others.
Maybe something good is on Netlfix tonight, and couch time doesn’t seem so bad anymore, does it?
Article by Mina Soto
Mina Soto is an anxiety and mindset coach. She works with creatives and musicians to break through roadblocks using simple tools–including mindfulness, accountability, and holistic approaches + manifestation.
“Whatever Lights You Up…” is always the key.