Sometimes life can be challenging and difficult, and leave us feeling at a loss for what to do. These are great times to have a conversation with Spirit or with your guides so that you can feel more confident in the decisions that you make and about the journey that you are on.
We, as humans, are spiritual beings having this human experience. We are here in this life to learn, and each of us has a lesson and journey that is unique for us.
Believe it or not, we signed up for this life just as it plays out for us.
The Soul Plan
Consider this, before we began this life, we worked with the souls in our soul group and our primary spirit guide (which some refer to as our guardian angel). With them, we came up with a life plan for our journey and even may have entered into some soul contracts.
Once we incarnate, we don’t remember the details of our life plan, and we begin our journey blindly. We have our guides and our loved ones on the other side that try to direct us gently, but they will not interfere with our own free will.
“But I’m Not Gifted…”
People ask me all of the time how old I was when I discovered my “gift.” I want you to know that I am no different than you. All humans are able to talk to Spirit and to talk to their spirit guides. All humans are psychic; this is our natural ability. You may wonder, if that is true, then why can some people do it and others can’t? The reason is very simple and yet a little complex too.
Have you ever walked into a room and seen a toddler sitting and cooing and maybe even waving their arm? We think about how cute they are. What we don’t necessarily think about is that the toddler is waving at grandpa, who is just checking in on them from the other side. That same child gets a little older and has an “imaginary” friend. How cute they are having tea with their friend and playing for hours.
It doesn’t cross our minds that they are playing with Spirit because they are still very connected and can see and hear Spirit. But, eventually, the child gets “too old” to have “imaginary” friends, and suddenly their parents and society say to them that their experience is “not real.” The child soon learns they must conform to society, and they build up walls to block out Spirit. They sever their connection with the other side so that they can fit in.
Unfortunately, many people never become reconnected unless there is some type of tragedy, or they have a near-death experience (NDE). Some people will go through this lifetime and never find that connection again.
I have interviewed hundreds of people to learn what they believe, why, and how their parents and society have influenced those beliefs. I also ask them – did something happen in their life to change what they had once believed? I found that parental guidance and society do play a significant role in what people believe about spirits, but also that a profound experience can awaken them.
Working With Your Spirit Connection
If you are working towards strengthening your psychic abilities, connecting with Spirit, or your guides, there are a few things that you can do to help grow your connection.
Start by exercising your knowing, your intuition, your gut feeling. When someone calls you, think, “who is it?” before checking the caller ID. Can you see their face in your mind’s eye? Or maybe you will see their name. When you buy groceries or gas, try to see what the total will be. At first, try to see the last number, then two numbers, then three.
Talk to Spirit, to your loved ones on the other side, to your guides. They hear you. At first, some people will hear their own voice when they hear Spirit, which sometimes throws them off. When you talk to Spirit or your guides, be sure to then pay attention to what you think, feel, and see.
It can help to take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle of the page. On the left side, write your questions, and on the right side, write down everything that you hear, feel, see, or think. Don’t analyze it; just write it down. If you practice this, you will begin to distinguish your thoughts from the messages that you are receiving. Messages come to you in all shapes and forms.
Have you ever been going about your day, and suddenly a loved one who has passed enters your mind?
These thoughts happen because your loved one has entered your energy field, and you have unconsciously picked up on their energy. When this happens, say hi and thank them for being there with you.
If one day you woke up and your family no longer spoke your primary language, what would you do? You would try to learn their language. That is what you need to do with Spirit.
We are all energy, and everything around us is energy. Your thoughts are energy. The universe will mirror what we put out. Become very aware of your thoughts and remain positive. During challenging times, continue your work on your spiritual growth and remember that your guides are listening.
Enjoy your journey. Good things will come to you.
Article by Dr. Sheryl Martin
Reverend Dr. Sheryl T. Martin has a doctoral degree in Holistic Theology and is ordained as an Interfaith Minister. She has talked to spirit since she was 9 years old, when her father visited her, after passing away. Sheryl owns and operates Heaven-Pathways-Earth in the Austin, TX area. Heaven-Pathways-Earth produces the San Marcos and Wimberley Metaphysical and Holistic Fairs. Sheryl welcomes and honors all people and is proud to serve the LGBTQIAP+ community.