Let’s see if we can have
a bit of fun with this because joy brings
healing, light, and love
into our being.
Where is your cell phone?
Take your picture just as you are now. It is just for you and no one else has control of it, only you.
Now say out loud:
I AM Healthy, I AM Wealthy, I AM Worthy, I AM Free.
I AM Healthy, I AM Wealthy, I AM Worthy Energy.
Say it several times; in fact, at least nine times. Say it out loud. Let it soak into your being.
You may not believe it, nor want to do it–but there is a reason. We are looking at things creatively today–working with the energy you are–that you exude and carry around with you where ever you go.
Now take another picture of yourself. Are you smiling now? Can you smile?
How long, how many minutes, has it been since you smiled, and do you know that when you do smile, you change your circumstances, you bring in hope?
Your secret smile to yourself can increase your positive frequency and bring harmony to you and those in your field of influence.
What do you and others see when you are present? Are you solemn, frowning, carrying around chaos?
Which is the real you, the one you want to show to others; the one you want to live with on a daily basis? Usually, it is NOT the frowning one.
Imagine: close your eyes and maybe when you secretly smile to yourself it sort of turns into a light laugh making you feel silly but changing the mood.
Think back, and see if you remember smiling during a recent shopping trip and even if your mouth was covered, maybe the other person caught the twinkle in your eye or saw the crinkle around your brow and read your frequency.
Did you ever consider–that smile exchange could have been the best part of the day for the person on the receiving side? You–just with a smile–could have given them the strength to take the next step. Perhaps they were having a seriously hard time and your ray of joy provided hope and balance.
Recently we have all been going through changes…
…learning more about ourselves, how we react under stress, and what triggers our dark side. Of course, we all have one (the shadow self) and as we are spiritually waking up, its intensity may surprise us.
How many bad moments have hit you in the past few days or weeks? What are you doing about them and how are they affecting you?
We can call them walls, blocks, boulders, bad moments, anxiety, depression, anger, but no matter. The label is not really important.
The issue is that they are stealing our resources, our light, our essence, and lowering our frequency. Those bad moments are parasites living off our energy and inhibiting our mission. They are eating up our creativity and possibly even making us ill.
Let’s kick them out. Because higher frequency relates to joy and joy relates to good health, plus success and great wealth.
So let’s just try this experiment to see how change might be effective, because who doesn’t need joy, health, and wealth!
Ready? Repeat the mantra again:
I AM Healthy, I AM Wealthy, I AM Worthy, I AM Free.
I AM Healthy, I AM Wealthy, I AM Worthy Energy.
XYZ Opportunity; Solutions for Reverie
Did you try the experiment, yet still find yourself struggling? Lots of teachings or formulas start with ABC or 123. Because this one involves your participation, it is labeled XYZ–just to be different allowing an opportunity for you to remember it.
Add this exercise to your daily routine. This simple activity allows us to work together with affirmations and even if we do not completely solve an issue, we will have new tools that can be used in our future. Once understood and practiced, this can fit into a simple 5-minute slot of your day; every day.
X relates to your boulders or blockages, whatever they may be. X is your challenge for the moment.
What is it? A lower frequency vibration manifests as a story, a worry or uneasy thought that keeps reappearing when you are going about your day. It is that irritation that won’t be quiet, won’t leave you alone, and is stealing from you. It can be subtle or right in your face and it is a burden, so now is the time to call it out, name it and deal with it. It can be as simple as the annoyance of a sound, a physical discomfort a reminder of promised action: or something huge and life-changing like a move, breakup, illness, or accident that demands immediate attention.
Sit with this a moment. What grabs your attention and demands your energy causing the fear to wash over you? Can you name it? Do you want it to go away? If you are willing to work on this, NAME it! Say it out loud. Speak to yourself. Reflect, write it down. Say it again. Look behind it and around it.
Have you just named part of it or have you been able to go to the core of the fear, the weight on your shoulders, the bundle of chaos sitting in your space. The more complete and truthful we are at this point, the greater progress we will make providing a portal, a road, an opening to flush out the dark and bring in the light. Did you find it and write it down? These bad moment burdens try to hide. Seek it out, note what is causing you pain, and write it down.
So hopefully we have spent enough time to clearly identify that discomfort thoroughly enough to look at options. It is best to keep it simple and identify only one pain or boulder at a time. There are numerous solutions when we identify X and once the process is integrated, experienced, it can be repeated and remain useful until you have cleared space and amped up your frequency.
Y is the next point of action where we look at options. Y denotes the fork in the road, the fairy godmother step, the “what If” creative energy that allows us to dream of a better way.
Your partner in this is your own higher self, your true essence, your soul, your secret chamber of your heart, your guides, your intuition, or your divine spirit. Call to your inner helper.
Some people have names for theirs or a certain way they invite in their helpers. If all this is new to you, just simply ask out loud. Say I accept divine guidance to solve this issue (name it) which is lowering my frequency. You may get a new thought right away. You may get the litany of answers you have already tried that did not work. You may draw a blank. No matter; just allow. Sit there and breathe. Expand your belly, take deep breaths, and know that you have choices. You are in control.
Remember you are WORTHY and you deserve solutions to come to you. If you happen to get several thoughts and options coming to you, write them down. That way you can try a variety of techniques and that means you are making progress.
Z is how you Zoom into this moment!
Let me give you some ideas about how verbal commands can provide a higher frequency to work from. We all know if we keep doing the same things from the past we get similar results. So, the universe has brought us to this X, this boulder, this wall and we need a new adventure. We are using our breath, our body movements in different ways; the ways we deem best at this time. Depending upon the seriousness of the moment, there are commands we can give our “smiling” self to de-escalate our situation and provide peace or even a chuckle.
Allow yourself to stand up. Announce in a strong voice:
I AM enough,
I shed my stuff,
I clear my way,
without delay.
(repeat this 9 times)
Say this loudly and say it with rhythm, gusto using body or hand motions. Yes, it might seem strange, silly, challenging. Just do it. The more movement, breath, the more emotion the better. Are you smiling yet?
There are many more statements that work. Such as:
Exotic being come to me,
Open doors of mastery.
I can do it, You will see.
I’m calling in the better me.
You have choices; you are in charge.
Let me leave you with an all-time favorite used in group work to immediately change the frequency and lift the spirits of all.
I AM a being of Light,
I shine where e’er I go.
I spread abundance everywhere;
I sparkle and I glow.
(repeat this 9 times …or more)
Get out your phone and take your picture.
May you be blessed. May you feel the change and spread the Light.
Are you smiling?
Article by Mary Butler, M.Ed.
Certified Counselor, Diagnostician, Reiki Practitioner
Mary Butler, M.Ed., is the owner of The Light Chalice, a certified counselor, diagnostician, spiritual adviser, and Reiki practitioner. She is also a Light Sound Practitioner. Her most popular session is chakra alignment and opening pathways for the divine mission of the soul. You can learn more about Mary on her website at http://www.lightchalice.com.