Concert, Thursday – September 25th;
Workshop Series, Friday September 26th and Saturday September 27th, 2014.
Sponsored by Nature’s Treasures with Paul Hubbert, Ph.D.
Join Dr. Paul Hubbert, Multidimensional Sound Master on Crystal Bowls, Vocal Harmonics, as he leads this sacred tribute to “Oneness” with a vision of world peace, unity and community.
Schedule of Events
Concert: The Ghandarva World Peace Experience
Thursday, September 25th
7pm – 9pm
$20 per person
The Ghandarva Ceremony is a beautiful affirmation that blends and expresses the Unity of all spiritual traditions and an experience of the celestial realms of being. We are in the Age of Consciousness Expansion, flowing with grace and ease, intending and seeing joyous health and harmony within ourselves and others and reflecting this Divine Truth throughout Mother Earth and Humanity. Your presence is important to this Ghandarva Experience, as when two or more are gathered together, with a set intention, there is a third force greater than the sum! Join us for a moving and empowering concert experience!
The Workshop Series
The Power of Crystal: Crystal Grids and Advanced Crystal Grid Work
Levels 1 and 2 – Experience the Peruvian Vibration
Two level 1 classes are offered on two different days.
Level 2 will only be taught on Saturday afternoon.
Level 1
Friday, September 26th
7pm – 9:30pm
Saturday, September 27th
10am – 1pm
$135 early registration by Sept 22nd
$150 the 22nd and at the door
($50 deposit and preregistration required)
Crystal Grids will activate to 20-25 plus times their original power.
✡ Learn specific uses and applications for your Crystal Power Grids
✡ Specific method of programming and activating your Crystal Power Grids
✡ Raise energy/energize and activate the body, rooms, homes, land, buildings, etc.
Level 2
Saturday, September 27th
2pm – 6pm
$75 early registration by Sept 22nd
(Preregistration required)
Through combining advanced sacred geometric layouts, (e.g. Level 2 – Grand Icosahedron, Metatron’s Cube etc.), interdimensional programming / activation techniques and Holographic Sound frequencies, your Crystal Grids energy will increase by 25 to 50 times greater, providing multipurpose healing and clearing potential for years to come!
✡ Access spherical holographic energy to universally empower your Crystal Grids
✡ Create multiple size grids for enhancing energy work, workshops, jewelry and more
✡ Advanced grids to assist and support bilocation, teleportation, time travel.
Special: Take both levels together for only $165.
Add concert for $10.
Nature’s Treasures
4103 North IH-35
Austin, Texas 78722
There are several different costs for different offerings
See schedule above and visit the registration link below for more specifics
Registration is required. Seating is limited.
For More Information
Kathleen (512)369-2104
To Register
Austin, TX 78722