Wednesday – August 31st, 2016.
Ten training seminars spread across 2 years – Body Intelligence is coming to Austin to teach Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy!
Participants can attend the first night’s seminar for free, without committing to the full course.
Intro Day covers an introduction into basic contact skills and relating to biodynamic movements. This talk will also provide an opportunity to experience the approach and appreciate the extent of the curriculum.
This talk is designed to provide a taste of this exciting and evolving body therapy science. Participants will explore the nature of Health and how to feel the expressions of Health as subtle biodynamic motions in the body. Learn how the effects of trauma are safely resolved with BCST. Students will also have a chance to meet course tutors and discuss course structure and material. Taught by international teachers who are leaders in the field.
Wednesday, August 31st
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Monstrosity Loft
2514 Wilson
Austin, TX 78704
Free (August 31st talk only)
For More Information
Austin, TX 78704