Friday, April 11th and Friday, April 18th, 2014.
Purpose of Life 101 is a simple and powerful look at the “parts” that we are made of – the Chakras.
This is a basic introduction to the Chakras where you will not only learn what they are and what they do, but more importantly we will begin to see how the Chakras define who we are and answer the question “Why are we here?”
You may arrive as early as 7 pm for informal chatting on Astrology and Chakras.
Feel free to bring your birth-chart if you’d like Johnny to take a look and share some insights into your own Chakra system.
Class will start promptly at 7:30pm.
Please arrive early as we will not admit anyone after class has started.
Fridays, April 11th and 18th, 2014
7:30pm – 9pm
YMCA-Town Lake
110 W. Ceasar Chavez
Austin, Texas 78703
$15 advanced registration; $20 at the door
For More Information
Social Media
Austin, TX 78701