Author’s Note:
The format of this writing is different than anything I have channeled thus far in 25 years of deep channeling work. It came as a bit of a surprise.
We, Upstairs, call this type of channeling Fantasy, which is a part of channeling about The Other Side. Some people just “get” Fantasy. It’s not just for children; definitely, most adults adore it.
This is the first of 25+ chapters, to be compiled into a book. The name of the book is Straight From The Horse’s Mouth, Via God And His A-Team (or something like that). I hope you enjoy it.
The Globe
The world at large is a fantastic voyage. It is perfectly structured because it spins, and no one tumbles. It also has a direct diameter, which enforces peace, tranquility, and Love. Therefore, it is the most unusual “picture perfect” Dome Of Love and Obedience. It is the amphitheater for the Other Side of Life.
The Globe/Earth is a three-dimensional transit system because we, on the other side, demonstrate triangles and multi-dimensional abstract laws, which assist you, Earthlings, to function. They also have abbreviations to cause you to stop or start.
We also have transit systems that actually transport souls from space station to space stations and down memory lane, so to speak. Transit systems resemble golf courses and golf carts. In other words, they are spacious, very beautiful, and have small crafts/vehicles to cart people around – just one of many of the modes of adult transportation. Children have their own values of transportation. Of course, on Earth, we have automobiles; if we are lucky, airplanes, buses, trains, bikes, skateboards, horses, etc. for various and exotic transportation.
Systems on the other side are quite important. They encourage us to embrace society because of the unique and unusual formations each adult system utilizes. They usually last about a million of your years, unlike new cars that come out every year.
Earth is known as the “rich society of humans” on the other side because our Earth is the only Earth (out of quite a few million) that has a means of circulation – meaning, money exchanges. Imagine that – out of millions. What on Earth do they do? Well, for example, they barter and trade. They all do. They also have systems so unique that the Fairy Temple in most of the other worlds tells them who to barter and trade with. In other words, they are guided. A Fairy Temple started guiding Earthlings due to the fact that Hercules and Plaideans requested the right to help our Earth with simple, not complex, guidance, as most of us are experiencing these days. Ask the Universe, as your supply system, for every whim and fancy. Do tell. You just may have it flip back to you, either instantly or within two years at the latest.
The Fairy Temple is a wonderful term because it is filled with a Universe, which is symbolic of dreams fulfilled. Thus, helpful, powerful, as well as enticing, unique people come into our lives to assist us in formulating our desires and patterns. Such people are usually placed in our lives on Earth so that we can feel safe and a bit secure. These beginning Soothsayers were very real people who are akin to our magic Merlin. They generally offer symbols instead of thoughts and words. When symbols are used, they protect, encourage, and maneuver dark and disgust to leave the premises instantly. Symbols also show us the way when we are lost. Hopefully, your new GPS will do the same thing. However, not much more effective.
How do we know this isn’t a Fairy Tale? Because I, Sandalfon, am a lot older than you are, and I have seen it all. Where did Fairy Tales come from? Oh my, so many tales to tell and all worth hearing! But remember, we are talking about how we on Earth could learn from the Advanced and Adult Soothsayers from one of the many Fairy Temples. And, of course, they are learning from us. Especially us!
If we do not have enough and to spare, we should start to either share our prosperity with close associates or trade what we have for something they may have. However, if bartering were the only means of exchange, everyone would be equal. We also could be best friends with a lot more people, because some of us lack trust today. However, when we barter or trade, and it works out, not only do we begin to bond, but we also learn trust at a higher octave equivalent to the ocean, trusting that the tide will eventually level and maintain a decent frequency. Right now, on Earth, these simple measures are becoming more reasonable because they make logical sense.
Utopia can be our goal. A life where we are blessed, especially when we realize there are Laws Universal which assist us. For example, we appreciate the money we do receive, and then we share with others who have less. Next, we approve of ourselves, no matter what. And then we applaud ourselves for being a model example. What we think comes back to us, because thoughts are a substance that follows us. We can say, “Think Positive” for starters.
Then we can try to re-member where we came from, where we go from here and why we are on Earth in the first place. When we can submit to those primal questions, we will begin to understand – that which we give out comes back. Thus, The Law Of Attraction must be adhered to because it is an awakening of our Soul’s Path in perfect Universal Power, fulfilling us and fulfilling our destiny.
Therefore, we are forever and ever abundant – thus, sayeth The Lord Sandalfon.
Article by Ashtara Sasha White
Ashtara is a gifted psychic, channel, speaker, medical prophet, and profound healer. She brings through your Highest Master Teachers and Angels with messages on any and all aspects of your life (career, family, relationships, health, abundance, children, new pathways and your ascension, etc.). Astara is also a medium to the Other Side and reads Akashic Records perfectly.