Bart Sharp – Three Tuesdays; July 19th, 26th and August 2nd.
Most of us are aware that many people on earth have origins from other planets. It is likely you are one of those ‘off worlders’ that came eons ago to assist in evolving the consciousness of others already here. We may not be ready to travel back to our first homes but we can access energetic memories of our original planet.
Since I have come upon this resource of consciousness so much has changed for me and for others that I have taught. It feels like something that was lost is now found, a great power has returned to us. Reports of richer and expansive energies coming into our bodies easily when our original planet consciousness’ are invited into our meditations. As I have activated these energies into various parts of my body things that I wish to manifest come to me easier and my psychic abilities have increased dramatically.
One aspect of power is our ability to create anything with as less energy as possible. By having more consciousness and energy by practicing the various Divine Planet meditations we create a space within that is the impetus of power. It is a magical vibration that expands us to create our dreams in easier ways. We have another important resource of consciousness working for us. Friends that I have taught these tools to all agree, “This is really awesome Bart, you gotta teach this stuff!”
Learn a wide variety of tools to empower your life.
Three Tuesdays; July 19th, 26th and August 2nd
7:30 – 9:30
Austin, Texas
For More Information
512 809 6807