At Parkside Community School our goal is for each child to become an independent, self-reliant person with the skills necessary to achieve their own goals, the ability to make a positive contribution to society, and to have an awareness of the interrelated nature of all life. To achieve this goal, we base our educational approach on the developmental philosophy and educational methods of Dr. Maria Montessori.
Austin,TX 78704
Parkside Community School is a Federal 501(c)3 non-profit organization devoted to the promotion of children’s and parent’s education and community outreach. We fundraise every year and accept tax-deductible donations, especially oriented toward families who may need tuition assistance. This helps to ensure economic and cultural diversity in our programs.
Montessori classrooms encompass an age span of three years, allowing younger students to learn from older role models and older students to test and reinforce their knowledge by helping younger classmates. Working in one class for three years, children are able to develop a strong sense of community with classmates and teachers. This gives them the foundation on which they build their future interactions with others and the world in general. The experience of success after an initial difficulty is the essence of effort. This simple concept facilitates self confidence and tremendous interest in learning.
Austin, TX 78704