Friday November 16th, 2012
Meditation unlocks the door to a place of bliss, to that place inside each of us where there is a well of peace, joy and love.
Meditation, or contact with this inner state of bliss, helps us:
• Lower stress
• Increase adaptation energy
• Enhance creativity
• Improve daily performance
• Meet life’s demands with equanimity and grace
• Additionally, meditation helps us to be an influence for good-in our own lives, at home, at work and in the community at large.
If you are interested in learning to Meditate, please join us for this Introduction to Meditation talk where you will learn everything you need to know about this technique and have your questions answered. The talk is free of charge and obligation, and if you feel inspired to learn, there will be an opportunity to sign up for a meditation course beginning the following day.
I look forward to meeting you.
Best Wishes,
Will Dalton
Friday November 16th
7pm – 8pm
Casa de Luz
1701 Toomey Rd
Austin, TX 78704
To Register and More Information
Austin, TX 78704