Saturdays, November 2nd and 9th, 2013 with Jeremy Strickland.
Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) translates as “Art of Creator through the Compassionate Person”. We are all Artists Creating our lives. What are you creating?
JSJ helps put universal ingredients, or cosmic elements, in perspective and order so we can transform and create harmony more effectively and efficiently.
JSJ is the story of Universal Life Energy spiraling into Matter as Laughter in Rhythm with the Universe. It is an Art of Harmonizing Relationships ~ body/mind/spirit. This dynamic Art is a convergence of ancient wisdom traditions and is known as “the Grandmother” of acupuncture.
During this class we will:
*Provide an overview of the concept and lineage of Jin Shin Jyutsu.
*Discuss the primary flow pattern of Universal Live Energy.
*Explore the 26 “Safety Energy Lock” locations along our primary energy-pathway, consider their spiritual meaning and relationship with specialized states of consciousness, and discover how they help transform body/mind/spirit.
*Use our hands as “jumper-cables” on the safety energy locks and other significant areas to help harmonize relationships.
*Learn how attitudes relate with our organs, possible effects of harboring attitudes, and how to help harmonize them.
This class, while introductory, begins at the self-help level and contains a wealth of easily digestible information that can be immediately put to use in everyday situations. This class shares plenty of information for some, and is the beginning of a lifetime study for others.
This workshop will be presented from information in “Introducing Jin Shin Jyutsu”, books 1 and 2, by Mary Burmeister. It is helpful but not required to have the books for class. They are a great reference source. You may simply take notes if you wish, as hand-outs will be provided. If you choose to purchase the books you may do so through, or I will have copies available at class per your request.
6 CEU’s available for Texas LMT’s. ALL are welcome to participate in this fun, experiential workshop.
“All learning is understanding relationships.” ~ George Washington Carver
Saturdays, November 2nd and 9th
10am -1pm
Unity Church of the Hills
9905 Anderson Mill Rd.
Austin, Texas 78750
$60 by October 29 – $93 after and at the door
For More Information
Jeremy Strickland 512-940-7606 or
Austin, TX 78750