Saturday July 13th with Jeremy Strickland LMT.
Making the simple complicated is commonplace, making the complicated simple is creative. Hear a comprehensive introduction to the story of Energy spiraling into Matter as Laughter, told in easy to understand everyday language.
Discover how to utilize your hands as “jumper-cables” and your breathing as amplification to aid Universal Life-Energy in creating harmony.
Learn the 26 “Safety Energy Lock” locations along your primary energy-pathway, their inherent meaning and relationship with specialized states of consciousness, and how they can help common situations.
Learn how attitudes relate with organs, possible effects of harboring attitudes, and how to help harmonize them.
~ Wash your Heart with Laughter
~ Dissolve False Structures of Yesterday
~ Be the Artist
~ Be the Fun
You may find Jin Shin Jyutsu Physio-philosophy an exciting study/practice if you are interested in Reiki, Meditation, Bodywork, Healing Arts, Astrology, Numerology, Esoteric Western Music Theory, Tarot, Qabalah, and/or Acupuncture/Acupressure philosophy.
Saturday, July 13th
10am – 5pm
Casa De Luz
1701 Toomey Road
Austin, TX 78704
Cost for Attendance
$93 by July 8th, $107 after.
Textbooks are $30 additional, are helpful, but they are not required.
Handouts will be provided.
More Information and To Register
Register at
Call 512-940-7606
Austin, TX 78704