Friday, August 26, 2011 – Presented by Sound Mandala
Journey Home is a meditative music and sound “collage” integrating Western music with Eastern sound healing and a bit of poetry.
Our intention is to transport you, the listener, on a journey from reactive human nature to your truest self. This concert is being given by Debbie Schmidt and I (a.k.a Suite Journey). The musical suite includes original music composed for Celtic harp, classical guitar, piano, Native American flute, crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, and voice.
All proceeds from the concert will benefit “Ten to the Power of One”, a program administered by Common Spirit*. Ten to the Power of One is a project where a group of volunteers develop a close, long-term working relationship with a family in need. Since June 2010, the Ten Team has been working with Erica, an extraordinary 39-year-old single mom of five. Erica has worked long and hard on her own to break her family’s cycle of poverty, but she needs help to overcome the persistent obstacles that keep her and her children at risk.
I hope you can join us!
In peace, love and harmony,
Friday, August 26, 2011
7pm – 8:30pm
Cafe Dance
3307-B Hancock Dr
(near Russell’s Bakery)
Austin, Texas 78731
For More Information
*Common Spirit, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is a comfortable and inspiring spiritual community where we help each other live more whole and fulfilling lives by putting love into action.
Austin, TX 78731