Thursday September 15th, 2011 – First and Third Thursdays of each month.

A geisha is an artist & entertainer, this evening is to honor & to pamper the feminine in us and to enjoy new understandings that help us love and enjoy ourselves and our world.
We will enjoy wine, fruit and chocolate, and pamper with QiGong, Mini Massages, Haiku Writing.
Flo will share Geisha-House Rules.
Anne will share ‘Healthy Beautiful You’ – powerful, unique, proven, new ideas and exercises learned directly from Spirit that bring self love, physical health, beauty and joy. Also offering White Pearl Healing by Anne.
Come and let us enjoy the sweet company of each other…as we together create a space for self love, support and encouragement.
September 1st and 15th, 2011
First and Third Thursdays Monthly
6:45pm – 9pm
Round Rock, Texas
Address given with RSVP
$10 advanced registration until noon the day of the event.
$15 at the door
To Register and for more Information
or email or or call 512-789-5678