Anne Partain
After a lifetime of asking God to teach me about myself and my world I am offering teachings that bring comfort, peace and joy!
After a lifetime of asking God to teach me about myself and my world I am offering teachings that bring comfort, peace and joy!
Enlightenment Class with Anne Partain. Would you like to learn how to 'let go'? Would you like to find your voice among the voices? Would you like to trust your self? Would you like to wake-up to your truth? Would you like to love and accept yourself?
Tuesday November 1st, 2011. After years of time alone, Spirit has given a system for understanding and dealing with our emotions that allows the power of Life to flow freely. Come listen as I explain 'how' to listen to, value and understand your emotions. Our emotions have wisdom. It is the part that is missing, and the part that relieves the illness and powerlessness found in our society today.
October 16th, 2011 - Two Health Experts Come together to Bring You a New Way to See Your Emotions, Body, Self and Food. Anne Partain with Healthy Beautiful You! and Jisele Tuuri with Vibrant Healthy Living! You CAN: Feel young and vibrant - Look younger - Enjoy the energy of a healthy body - Improve your muscle tone - Forget your age - Enjoy your body - Enjoy energizing foods.
Thursday September 1st, 2011 - First and Third Thursdays of each month. If you feel depleted of energy, or you want to move further along your path of awakening...then YOU ✿ Are definitely Invited to a Geisha-like-Night and Healthy Beautiful You Playshop!✿ Join Flo Bowen and Anne Partain to pamper the feminine at our Playshop!
To everybody who has been involved in the success of The Austin Alchemist............Thank you so much! I appreciate everyone of you who visits this site and everyone who had added their information and to everyone who has signed up for the news letter. When I started this site I thought it would be a good idea, a place to find practitioners and events that support healing and health in the Austin area community. It is clear now that you also think The Austin Alchemist is a good idea! Your love and support are felt by me and I thank you. I'm not sure there is a better feeling than the one that comes from sharing. I'd like to express special thanks to Kim Keeton and Jules B. for going the extra mile in getting the word out. Thank you ladies, your love inspires me............and again thank you to one and all!