Saturday, June 25, 2011 – Compassionate Clearing Presents: Love for No Reason.
* Do you sometimes punish yourself for having handled a knarly situation with unpleasantness?
* Do you ever wish you’d been kinder to someone?
* Do you long to share your compassionate heart?
Marci Shimoff, a presenter in the movie, “The Secret”, has published her new book – ‘Love for No Reason’. This delicious book is packed with ideas to assist us in returning to our true nature – LOVE.
* Learn: the difference between love for good reason and love for no reason
* Learn: how to awaken your vitality.
* Experience: breaking through your love limits.
Robin Heart Shepperd, D.C. will present some concepts and clear old anti-love programs with energy psychology (EFT tapping and verbal processes). We’ll have lunch at a restaurant and practice our ability to love those who we might have written off as unlovable. Not necessary to read book.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
10am – 4pm
3400 B South Oak
Austin, 78704
Investment in You
For More Information and to Register
Austin, TX 78704