Thursday, March 20th – Tuesday, March 25th, 2014.
Nature’s Treasures is pleased to introduce Austin to Gahl Sasson, Spiritual Teacher, Author and Astrologer.
Gahl will be holding workshops and private sessions from March 20th to March 25th here at Nature’s Treasures!
Gahl Sasson is an established author and has been teaching workshops on Kabbalah, Astrology, and Mysticism around the globe for over 15 years. His first book, A Wish Can Change Your Life, has been translated into over eight languages and is endorsed by HH the 14th Dalai Lama. His latest work, Cosmic Navigator, is the essential reference guide to understanding your astrological makeup.
Schedule of Events
Friday Evening, March 21st
Spiritual Astrology – The Mother of Religions: Spring Equinox and the Astrological and Mystical Meaning of Passover and Easter
7pm – 9pm
$18 per person
Gahl takes us on a magical mystery tour describing the origin of Astrology, taking it out of the fortune telling context and connecting it to Anthropology, Mythology, Kabbalah and mysticism.
In addition, Gahl discusses the astrological links to Passover and Easter and how we can use these festivities to enrich our lives and empower our spiritual journey for the next year.Is everything written in the stars? Is your Astrology connected to Karma and past lifetimes? What is the the true meaning of Spiritual Astrology? What are the links between mysticism and Astrology? What is the wisdom and mystical mechanism behind the zodiacal archetypes?
Gahl will answer all of these questions and many more…
Saturday, March 22nd
The Alchemy of Relationships: Using Mystical Traditions to Attract & Harmonize Partnerships
2pm – 4:30pm
$35 per person
Are you searching for your other half or wondering what to do with the soul-mate you have already found? Why will we do anything to create a relationship, yet once we have one we find it incredibly challenging to maintain?
This workshop blends together practical relationship advice from mystical traditions around the world helping you attract the right people into your life and harmonize your current relationships. Using myths and storytelling, Gahl weaves together the Buddhist Heart-Sutra with ancient Kabbalistic texts, Pythagoras & Psychology, Greek Tragedy and Hollywood movies.
The workshop presents unique, entertaining and original techniques to identify and harmonize your inner masculine and feminine sides to improve your relationships.
Create the relationship you have always wanted through balance and understanding.
Sunday, March 23rd
The People You Were: Exploring Your Past Lifetimes Using Regression
2pm – 4:30pm
$35 per person
Ever feel like you were somebody else in a past lifetime? Have you ever visited a place for the first time, but felt at home and instinctually knew your way around? Have you ever had a Déjà vu? A dream where you were a different person? Ever have irrational fears or unexplained reactions to situations? Wonder where they might come from? Is death really the end?
Discover how other cultures view death and the afterlife as we explore what happens to the soul after it leaves the body. (Tibetan and Egyptian Book of the Dead)
The workshop includes past lifetime regression meditations to demonstrate how you, too, can travel beyond time and space to retrieve aspects of your soul and even skills you have lost in former lives. You will also how to create a space for healing phobias, removing blocks and releasing physical and emotional pain.
Gahl will also be offering Private Astrology Readings and Past Lifetime Regressions
March 21st – 25th
Times Vary
$150-180 per session
Nature’s Treasures
4103 North IH-35
Austin, Texas 78722
There are several different costs for different offerings
See Registration Page For Specifics (below)
Seating and Sessions are limited
To Register and For More Information
Kathleen Apea 512-369-2104
Austin, TX 78722