Astrological Society of Austin – April 15th, 2011 Monthly Meeting
This month Neptune, lord of oceans and earthquakes, slips into Pisces for the first time since 1861. How will this archetype of unseen forces manifest in our modern digital age? In this lecture we’ll muse over the mythology of Neptune, reflect on its last sojourn through Pisces, and improvise ideas for how to work with its energy in the present age. As a special bonus, we’ll take a hypnotic journey into Neptune’s water realms, attuning ourselves for days to come.
Donna Woodwell, MA, is an astrology consultant and owner of Four Moons Astrology. An active member of the astrological community, she’s the founding president of the Astrological Society of Austin, as well as a member of the ISAR national board and a former member of the NCGR national board, two of the largest U.S. astrological associations. In addition to her astrological practice, Donna is a certified hypnotist, an experienced guide in shamanic journeywork, a master practitioner of Usui Reiki, and an Initiate of the Hermetic Order of the Brotherhood of Light. She can be reached at or at
Founded in 2006, members enjoy discounted lectures, workshops, field trips and other educational events, including some members only events. The purpose of the ASA is to educate both the public, students and professional astrologers in the ancient wisdom science of astrology. Lecturers speak to a wide range of topics in the field. Beginners and experienced astrologers will all find something of value. We encourage mentoring and professionalism. We are also social and normally migrate to a nearby pub/eatery to continue the discussion after the meeting. All are welcome.
To request a free subscription to our enewsletter with more information about astrology and the events we present, send a request to
Friday, April 15, 2011
7:30pm – 9pm (doors open at 7 pm)
Remedy Center for the Healing Arts
4910 Burnet Road
Austin, Texas 78756
Lecture admission is $5 for ASA members and $8 for guests. All are welcome. Annual membership to the Astrological Society of Austin, a not for profit, all-volunteer group, is $25. The lecture admission is waived on the night you join.
For More Information
Austin, TX 78756