Wednesday – January 13th, 2016.
Join us for a New Year’s Rapture with the Ascended Masters and Ark of the Covenant Archangels.
We will start with a 30 minute meet and greet with light snacks.
Afterward, Ashtara Sasha White will then guide, heal, answer questions and give messages.
Attend and receive ascended messages, light and healings from the Masters and Angels as they speak through Ashtara throughout the evening. Experience their guidance as we reenter “The Beyond of 2012.”
We would love to have you join us for this beautiful channeled event!
Wednesday, January 13th
6:30pm – 9pm
Phoenix Rising Metaphysics
8650 Spicewood Springs Rd. #201
(In the far end of shopping center where Big Lots is located)
Austin, Texas 78759
$20 love donation
For More Information and Registration
Aisha: (512)278-0559
Social Media
Austin, TX 78759