Wednesday January 1st, 2014. Planting The Seeds of 2014 with Crystal Bowls, Drums and Fire Ceremony. Sponsored by Austin Shamanism and Open Lotus Studio.
Special Event! The year 2013 is departing, as a New Year dawns.
The New Moon falls on the first day of the year only once every 19 years. Let us use that creative wave and alignment to connect with our Inner Knowing, our Guides and Helpers, and Spirit to envision a wonderful dream for 2014. What does the New Year offer, and what do you want to bring in?
We will use the sound of crystal bowls to create the space, and the drums to carry us into the future to explore, discover, plant seeds of intention, and craft a powerful vision of 2014. Then, we will offer that vision to Spirit through the medium of Fire.
This event is open to the public. Anyone is welcome to attend.
What to Bring
Open Lotus Studio has pillows and blankets for floor seating. Feel free to bring your own for the journey. Also bring a journal, notebook, or paper to record your journey.
Open Lotus Studio
3212 South Congress
Austin, Texas 78704
Wednesday January 1st
7:30pm – 9pm
Cost to Attend
Free, or love donation
For More Information
S Congress Ave
Austin, TX 78704