My family’s heritage is dowsing (also spelled dousing). Or as some people are more familiar with – water dowsing or water witching. There are different types of dowsing and different types of dowsing tools. And for many of us, dowsing is just simply something handy we use on a daily basis.
Many people are familiar with the use of a forked stick or two metal rods for the finding of water. In fact, until quite recently in US history, you could find pamphlets on dowsing for water in homesteading materials provided by the U.S. government. Dowsing for oil has also been a practice. However, though familiar with these methods and a variety of dowsing tools that are available for measuring energy, I prefer the use of a pendulum over other dowsing tools and its use for spiritual purposes.
The use of a pendulum is a great tool for measuring energy and information and is not too unlike the use of muscle testing. That all things are–at their essence–forms of energy and that our bodies and souls can distinguish these different energies and tap into the flow of energies in and around us, both physically and spiritually.
My specialty is the practical use of a pendulum for a variety of spiritual and otherwise simply useful purposes. Though I do consults for people, this is something people can easily learn and use for themselves, and I encourage it. I also carry an inventory of a variety of different pendulums for a variety of personality types, approaches, spiritual work, and purposes.
Article by Jules Bowery
Director and founder of The Seeker’s Round Table in Austin, Jules is a professional numerologist, a 7th-generation dowser, and awarded speaker, musician, and writer.
Jules’ teaching focus is the practical application for spiritual and everyday use of pendulum dowsing. She’s known for her empowering consults, historical and soul-oriented approach in numerology, pendulums, hands-on teaching style, networking of local teachers/classes, and her spiritual and charity work with children.
She is a minister with a degree in theology. Drawing upon a lifetime of spirituality, leadership accomplishments, writing, public speaking, and study of the music arts, Jules brings a unique and empowering perspective to the world of spirituality, numbers, and metaphysics.
Hello. I have a question rather than a comment. I have decided that I need to begin communications with dowsers so that I can learn more about it and advance my spiritual mission in life. My question is- do you know of any classes or gatherings devoted to the spiritual application of dowsing? I live in south Austin towards Dripping Springs, but will drive up to 50 miles to wherever I need to be.
I picked up dowsing 4 years ago after a brief demonstration at a Mind-Body-Spirit Expo. I dowse every day for health needs. Sometimes I’m spot on and sometimes not probably due to chakra misalignment.
I am a devotee of the Gurudas teachings on Gem and Flower essences and have been making my own essences for about 4 years.
My current mission is to learn as much about the use of essences through books, experience, and communication with the nature spirits so that myself and others can be helped. Dowsing is an absolutely necessary tool in this process.
I am the only dowser I know. I live very much alone monk-like, and that’s part of path I am on at present. However, I definitely feel that I am missing something by not having other dowsers to talk with to compare experiences. Any help or advice you can give would be appreciated.
Hello William, You have landed on the right place, I would definitely send Julia an email and tell her what you have said here, she does have classes and she is a 7th generation dowser, i highly recommend her. Many blessings, Anne
Thank you Anne! I will do that.
Hi Julia was wondering where to buy, or get some Dowsling Rods…thanks, might be interested in a course in using them..thanks frank
Hi Francois, you can email Julia directly at she does all of that, you will love her, many do…
much love,