Upcoming Cycle Starts – Wednesday, February 6, 2013.
Learn how to stream, (re-)connect with your original purpose, the Stream of your Life, create a New Life and become a Streamer. Streaming is fun, creative and opening. The streaming emergence is organized into a 8 week cycle:
8 weeks – 7 dimensions | The last week closes the cycle with the Streamer Acknowledgment
Week 1: Introduction – Fear – Life – Agreements
Week 2: 4th Dimension – Heart – Love & Community
Week 3: 5th Dimension – Communication – Speaking your Truth
Week 4: 6th Dimension – Vision – Seeing your Truth
Week 5: 7th Dimension – Higher Purpose – Connection with Spirit
Week 6: 1st Dimension – Physical Body – Mother & Father
Week 7: 2nd Dimension – Sexuality – Money
Week 8: 3rd Dimension – Personal Power – Staying in your Truth
& Streamer Acknowledgement
When you stream you…
-Experience yourself in a fun, safe and empowering way with men and women that brings clarity, vitality, power and joy.
-Feel a deep connection with your family and loved ones or heal embodied traumas to access and share all the love and creation you carry.
-Discover or deepen the spiritual aspects of your life, the “gut feelings” of your heart & body, and your love for Nature.
-Participate in the creation of a new society, World and economy.
-Heal and Trust in the Feminine & Masculine Potential and Experience to lead change in what we value and create.
-Connect with your purpose and your individual attraction frequency, what and who you are meant to attract in your life.
-Align your “external” world, your work, your creations, your family with your “internal” world, your purpose.
– Re-establish the flows of giving and receiving with your Community, Ancestors, Nature, Earth and the Universe.
“To stream is to open the portals of our potential and experience” ~Guillaume Vincent
Upcoming cycle starts Wednesday, February 6th
7pm – 9:30pm
4306 Hank Ave,
Austin TX.
MUST RSVP to reserve space
This cycle is offered within the ‘Rose of Gratitude’, created by Transformation Streaming.
You choose how you wish to give back
Capitalist economy: flat rate $248 total / $31 per week or discuss other options
Gratitude Economy: gift of gratitude (give according to your own measure of gratitude for what you received)
Truth: Speak your truth about wanting to give, give more, give less or not give.
Higher purpose: Support and invest in Streaming.
Participant must confirm reading and agreeing to the ‘Streamer Agreements’ prior first participation: Once you RSVP to this cycle, we will send you an email with the agreements. You will learn Streaming from its founder Guillaume Vincent, co-founder Chanelle Vincent and other streamers. The Streaming Emergence is a precursor to the Streaming Practice and Intensive and part of the Transformation Streamer Training.
For More Information and to Register
To learn more about Streaming, individual sessions and workshops
Visit www.transformationstreaming.com
What to bring: Please come with an open-mind, curiosity and a willingness to participate and experience something new.
Austin, TX 78745