Monday – November 14th, 2016. Sponsored by Phoenix Rising Metaphysics.
Reboot and energize! Come celebrate the Super Full Moon with us while sitting in/on our Quantum Field Generator.
Once we bring in the ascended masters, guides and teachers take over. We get and give messages to each other and to the group.
This process opens up your divine purpose, mission, goal, for you to see, accept, or reject.
You have free will choice, so you choose!
Social hour 6:30pm to about 7:30pm.
Ceremony starts about 7:30ish until about 9ish.
Monday, November 14th
6:30pm until the cows come home.
12420 Deer Track
Austin, Texas 78727
Love Donations accepted
For More Information
Randy Robinson: (918) 640-8757
Austin, TX 78727