Monday – March 7th through Sunday – March 20th, 2016! 13-day tour to the Holy Land.
Sponsored by Angela Sorenson.
Register Now As There Are Only 4 Spaces Left On This Tour!
Get ready to travel and join us for a tour to the most sacred sites on the planet.
Many of us have dreamed our entire life of seeing the cradle of civilization and walking on the very ground that Jesus Christ stood.
You can study all you want, but until you feel the energy of the place and talk to people who have lived in the Holy land… you will not know what you have missed!
Connect with the Muslim world as we pray, dance and shop in Istanbul.
Open up your 7 Chakras as we tour each church mentioned in Revelations and open up to the healing energy of the 7 rays.
Walk in the footsteps of Jesus in Jerusalem and pray for the world religions to one day unite in peace.
Get baptized in the Sea of Galilee.
And most importantly join with students of a metaphysical background to meditate together, share with one another and heal thousands of years of disconnection and misperception.
This journey will feed your soul!
Early bird price is $3950.00, if a $1500.00 deposit is received no later than Nov. 1st. Tour price increases to a minimum of $4100.00 after that date as the prices of the international flights increase. Lock in a better fee now! Visit
Monday – March 7th through Sunday – March 20th, 2016
$3950 if registered before November 1st
$4100 (subject to increase) after November 1st due to increasing cost of international flights
For More Information And Registration
Angela Marie Sorenson: (830)265-0197