Friday – September 14th, 2018.
Learn how to tap into your intuitive powers and receive messages from spirit as you write.
Everyone can connect to spirit and receive these messages as all souls are part of the divine source of love and light.
Through the practices of journaling, meditation, and other spiritual tools, elevate the energy of your writing.
In the Writing From Spirit group meetings, you can learn how to access the wisdom from spirit guides, angels, archangels, and ascended masters and trust in the information received.
If you have always wanted to blog, write articles, a book or even just keep a personal journal from spirit, then this group provides the tools and techniques to help you awaken to the power within your soul to write from the divine.
In the September meeting, we will discuss how to find your writing voice through connecting to spirit. Bring a sample of your writing that you would like to share with the group.
More About This Austin Based Writer’s Group
The Writing From Spirit Group meets monthly and covers topics regarding writing, channeling, spirituality, intuitive writing, and methods for connecting to the spiritual realm. WFSG is a support group for writers and those who communicate with spirits, angels, and ascended masters and wish to bring messages through their journaling, writing, and other spiritual work. We help each other through learning about writing tools and techniques and sharing our individual writing and spiritual journeys. In the meetings, speakers and practitioners in various specialties will also present topics regarding writing, publishing, editing, journaling, blogging, and spirituality.
Friday, September 14th
7:30pm – 9:30pm
Phoenix Rising Metaphysics
8650 Spicewood Springs Rd. #201
(In the far end of shopping center where Big Lots is located)
Austin, Texas 78759
For More Information
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Austin, TX 78759