Increase Your Energy Naturally and Safely!
Tired of feeling sluggish and run down? Challenged to find a way to stay fit? Looking for a way to bust stress and focus your mind sharply?
Medical qi gong is a form of Chinese medicine that helps with all of these areas. Its movement instruction and bodywork sessions take clients deep into states of bliss while energizing them.
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More about Kay
Kay Hutchinson is on a mission to help people recover their true selves and bloom their energy naturally. As a certified advanced medical qi gong practitioner and the founder of the Aiki Healing three years professional certification program, Kay helps people reclaim their energy to lead fuller lives physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Reviews and Testimonials – What clients say about Kay’s work
“I left feeling more energized and relaxed than I have in months!” – Anna H.
“The energy bliss treatments are truly blissful, and Kay is a gentle soul who puts you at ease. Highly recommended!” – Lynn W.
“Kay analyzed my diet and gave suggestions and recipes for creating more balance in my diet according to dietary strategies that she teaches. After shifting my diet, I find that I have more energy and vitality. In fact, the most amazing outcome is that my skin has improved in tone and suppleness, my hormone balance is improved, and I have lost about four inches from my waist and stomach without dieting. Thank you, Kay, for your caring spirit and for your devoted friendship to our family.” – B. Munoz (San Antonio)