The answers often come only to those who ask…
Every day we witness more political, economic, environmental, personal, and social chaos throughout the world. Indeed, this is a unique and pivotal period in human history. The entire human race, individually and collectively, is facing monumental challenges and their consequences. We all feel and see these intense changes unfolding before us. And we all sense some hard-to-define “transformation” taking place. Yet, few people ask or address the simple question: What’s going on and why? And the answers often come only to those who ask such questions.
A self-employed musician and psychic since 1972, I consider myself the luckiest of people, thanks to what I learned, saw, and experienced during an intense and enlightening near-death experience (NDE) I had in 1977. I was 29 and started going through a week of constantly escalating psychic ability that tossed me from ecstasy to intense fear. Then, while frantically pacing North on Guadalupe Street near UT, I was involved in a head-on collision with a speeding car. After a miraculous voyage beyond Space and Time and into Infinite Mind, I returned to my body, completely unscathed and feeling no pain, as verified by records from courts, hospitals, and Austin Police Department investigators. Yes, I experienced a true miracle, and from that moment forward, I believed in miracles. I wrote about that intense and enlightening experience in my book A Second in Eternity.
During that life-changing experience, I was shown numerous “snapshots” of the future. It included this all-encompassing Great Awakening that all of humanity is currently going through. And I was shown WHY we are going through it now and for the foreseeable future. These snapshots are too numerous to list but included some of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, challenging new weather patterns, Covid-19, financial turmoil, rising anarchy, and more. I was not sure in 1977 if what I had seen was destined to happen or not, but so far, many of these challenges have indeed presented themselves. It is as if in confirmation that this world change is necessary and inevitable, to some degree, depending on humanity’s actions, or lack thereof.
This Awakening has been referred to in many different ways and via many different cultures throughout history. Some may see it as confirmation that Armageddon is upon us. Others see it as the transition from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. Some religions believe the signs of these intense times foreshadow the return of Jesus. Scientists, spiritualists, politicians, and psychologists look at the same world and draw quite different conclusions. Is humanity entering some state of hyper-drive, or is the truth some combination of all these possibilities and more?
However one chooses to define this transformation, it is taking place now and for the foreseeable future. Because unless we see and experience the “holes in our boat” or the “flaws in ourselves and our systems,” at this volatile and complex point in human history, we cannot begin to fix them and build a more enlightened, fairer, ecologically balanced and sustainable world society. And yes, this Awakening comes with its inherent growing pains and the escalation of anger, chaos, division, and suffering. Change often does.
Furthermore, it is taking place now because most people have access to information about what is happening in the world. Many are angered, desperate, and even dangerous. Others choose to become enlightened and practice to attain and sustain a higher level of consciousness and awareness, rather than let fear or doubt rule their lives and decisions.
One way or another, life always shows humanity what needs to be fixed. Just consider how profoundly Covid-19 has forced us to re-evaluate and re-prioritize. And Covid-19 is no accident because there are no such things as accidents or coincidences. Everything is “Cause and Effect,” including us being here and having a Universe to exist within.
Most importantly, we have the power to create a new cause and reap a new effect, an exercise of Free Will. And the best use of Free Will is in how we perceive matters. There are billions of things we cannot change. And we alone allow ourselves to be burdened by the unchangeable or empowered by focusing on what we can change. Same situation, different perspective. And different results. Indeed, perspectives, attitudes, and intentions create outcomes more than we realize. Everyone can learn new skills, and updating our mindsets, attitudes, and intentions is essential if we want to avoid being caught in a rut, hearing the same outdated records playing in our heads, or being stifled by what we cannot change.
Choose to overcome obstacles, practice honest and deep introspection, meditate, ask Infinite Mind to help you learn to read the signs, commit yourself to growth and freedom from fear and doubt, and practice these techniques daily. Then don’t be surprised by the results. Practicing a skill increases one’s ability and confidence and can lead to mastery. Likewise, to practice internal growth is to benefit from the power of Infinite Mind from which we came via choice to express individuality and uniqueness.
It’s not how hard we work at life. It’s how aware, inspired, dedicated, flexible and creative we are that turns work into growth. Allow yourself to learn from everything: from the past because we cannot change it and from the present, because that is all we really ever have to create the future we hope to manifest. Knowledge and wisdom are true power. And curiosity is the catalyst, the starting point. Be curious about how much you can learn. Do what is required to update yourself or change. And be inspired by everything you experience.
Article by Gary L. Wimmer
Gary L. Wimmer started giving readings in 1973. In 1980, he met Alice Worrall, an amazingly gifted psychic. She taught him Lithomancy, and he has used that methodology ever since. Gary has given profoundly accurate readings in person and over the phone to people from all over the world. He speaks at various NDE groups and events (IANDS, INACS, etc.) and has been featured on numerous radio shows and video interviews. Gary also worked as a professional musician for five decades and lived in Europe from 1993 to 2000. He currently resides in Austin, Texas. Contact him about readings (individuals and groups), speaking engagements, and interviews.
Gary is the author of Lithomancy: The Psychic Art of Reading Stones, the only comprehensive book on this amazingly revealing methodology.
He also wrote A Second in Eternity, the true story about his “near-death” experience in 1977 that revealed the Unity that underlies all things and still profoundly inspires him to this day.