Hello. I am Gary L. Wimmer, a professional psychic for over 40 years.
I offer readings using pure intuition, regular playing cards to address specific issues of interest or concern (Cartomancy), and Lithomancy, a fascinating but little-known methodology that reveals in depth the challenges and opportunities a person faces over the next three months, and often longer. In essence, I offer profound insights and clear answers to your questions, and I cover a lot of ground in a short time. I record the reading, make sure you are satisfied, and email you a link to download the recording.
Using Lithomancy, I ask no questions prior to giving a reading. The Stones and the Pattern speak clearly and with amazing detail.
Over the decades I have received extremely positive feedback about the accuracy of my insights into all matters: personal, financial, relationships, home, business plans, spiritual issues, unexpected changes, etc. Lithomancy readings cover all issues and how they interrelate, and reveal what such issues are leading to and why.
To share with others the power and beauty of this fascinating art, I have written a book on Lithomancy. Check it out here https://www.theaustinalchemist.com/book-lithomancy-the-psychic-art-of-reading-stones-by-gary-l-wimmer/
Contact Information
Austin,TX 78745
Social Media
Blog Talk Radio
For Lithomancy readings I use Sixteen Stones and a strip of leather to form a Circle. The inside of the Circle represents the current three-month cycle, the outside represents the longer term, and the Circle represents the environment. See what the Sixteen Stones represent here: http://garywimmer.com/psychic/16_Stones.html
When I give a reading over the phone I roll the Stones in my hands and ask the Client to concentrate on his or her situation. After a few moments I say, “I’m ready” and ask the Client to reply “Drop” whenever it feels appropriate, at which point I drop the stones into the Circle, start the recording, and begin interpreting the Pattern formed.
When I give a reading in person, the Client handles the Stones and drops them in the Circle when it feels right. The readings appear clear to me using either method – in person or over the phone. The Stones always land in the right places to form a unique pattern that accurately outlines (in symbolic form) the next three months of the Client’s life and the issues at hand. I interpret this symbolism into specific and relevant information.
The Patterns formed by the Stones reveal information that I read in a clock-like fashion, starting at the center of the Circle and reading towards 12, then around the Circle. During the reading, I see and explain in detail a person’s current situation and the challenges and opportunities most likely to develop over the next three months… and why. Lithomancy is an amazingly versatile art, and I also use it to read for people other than the Client (but for and through the Client) or for specific situations, business matters, concerns, investigations, investments, unique circumstances, etc.
Every Pattern reveals layer upon layer of information. An effective reading can take from thirty minutes to an hour, depending on the depth and detail desired. People can ask questions before or during the reading, but I end up answering most questions without even being asked, and I address numerous concerns quickly and efficiently. I am accurate, insightful, to the point, honest, and completely confidential.
What others say about Gary’s work
“A true oracle. I received a reading of the ancient divination art of lithomancy. Gary is a natural at this. I’m confident he’s been perfecting this for many lifetimes due to his staggering accuracy. When I stumbled upon his website I felt an immediate resonance. His endearing quality of humbleness is accompanied by authenticity, professionalism and a kind spirit. You won’t be disappointed.” – Heather L.
“I hail from California, where getting a reading or spiritual guidance is as easy to find as breakfast tacos are here in Austin! For someone who has experienced this quite a bit, I have to say I was taken off guard when within the first sentence he hit the nail squarely on the head. Exactly. Right. Down to the details. More importantly, however, his readings are geared toward help and healing. I highly recommend him.” – Gena F.
Read more reviews about Gary’s work here: http://garywimmer.com/GaryLWimmer-Reviews.pdf.
The power of Lithomancy
I find Lithomancy one of the most powerful psychic arts for the following reasons:
- This method of psychic reading is highly efficient in that it offers insights into many different issues and reveals how they interrelate and manifest on a weekly basis. And every Pattern reveals how – via attitudes and actions – the Client can develop intuition, become and stay empowered, create positive outcomes, and expand in personal and spiritual growth.
- Every Pattern is unique, as is every person, situation, and moment in time. Using intuition and decades of experience, I tap into this uniqueness and see beyond the surface issues and into past lives, other people and situations, spiritual guides, karmic ties, discarnate souls, and systems at work under the surface.
- Most of us are concerned with how to deal with the immediate future – the groundwork for the longer term. Lithomancy readings are comprehensive and multi-faceted cycle, and reveal details as well as an overall perspective about what is happening and why. We all know what we want to ask. What we often don’t know is what we should ask. Using Lithomancy, I cover it all, even matters a person needs to know about, but doesn’t consider asking.
I also offer readings using regular playing cards to hone in on special issues of interest or concern, be they business, personal, investigative, love, spiritual, financial, etc. For these readings, the Client needs to ask a very specific question, often with a time limit. The more specific the question is, the more I can offer precise information. Using my personalized methodology of Cartomancy, I cut the deck repeatedly to grasp accurate ‘stream of consciousness’ insights. Once this process begins, information flows forward quite rapidly, and I see the situation from numerous angles. Questions can be covered in a matter of minutes, or I can go into more and more detail. I often use cards along with Lithomancy.
Gary’s Books
Lithomancy, the Psychic Art of Reading Stones
A Second In Eternity
Austin, TX 78745
Cynthia Breen Armstrong says
I would like to get a reading. Can that be arranged? Can I call you and schedule something in person, or is this over the phone. Thanks. Cindy Armstrong
Julia says
Hi Cindy,
This is a directory page. If you’ll look at the listing above you will find all of Gary’s contact info. Thank you!